All Hail the Oligarchy

Yes, of course it’s obscene that the minority Conservative government is going to spend an estimated $1 billion for security for the upcoming G8 and G20 summits as a result of political grandstanding (remember 9/11?!) and in the shallowest attempt to highlight one of the Cons’ ridings (which those attending

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Justifying Murder on the High Seas

Once again the ugly specter of Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians in the Gaza strip has been brought to the forefront of the world’s attention and, this time, it wasn’t just the actions of activists (who have largely been ignored) that has drawn the laser-like focus and condemnations of nations

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name change

I’ve come to a momentous decision, and it’s been growing in me a long time, since I read ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ a few years ago. Having changed my name once already, I know it’s a big deal, and I apologize in advance for the inconvenience (and it is inconvenient) to my friends and […]

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Busy bee!

So I was having a really crappy today and yesterday. I spiked my opiate tolerance by using a LOT of Dilaudids, and man did I ever come down sideways when I started to use less. I mean, I was dopesick even before I tried to go to sleep last night, and w…

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