Far and Wide: Job Killer

In politics, once you are forced to argue beyond neat soundbites, you’ve probably lost the battle. For instance, when one politician comes to town and SIMPLY announces 200 new jobs to a region with plus 9 percent unemployment, that is a slam dunk opti…

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The Drudge conspiracy site.

I had an interesting conversation at my place of work the other day.

Re: Obama’s Birth Certificate.
I cannot respond to a lot of things at work, have to be all diplomatic and the like. But I am going to post about it here, and lay out the groundwork…

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DTK: Oh, Dear Hudak.

It should have been easy to run McGuinty out of town. Why, he raised taxes! Horrors! There’s unemployment and everyone blames unemployment on the current government. Gas prices are high. That green energy thing seems like such a rip off. And still, Timmy-boy, you screwed it up. You screwed it

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DTK: Oh, Dear Hudak.

It should have been easy to run McGuinty out of town. Why, he raised taxes! Horrors! There’s unemployment and everyone blames unemployment on the current government. Gas prices are high. That green energy thing seems like such a rip off. And still, Timmy-boy, you screwed it up. You screwed it

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DTK: Oh, Dear Hudak.

It should have been easy to run McGuinty out of town. Why, he raised taxes! Horrors! There’s unemployment and everyone blames unemployment on the current government. Gas prices are high. That green energy thing seems like such a rip off.And still,…

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