The Progressive Economics Forum: Ontario NDP Platform: The Full Monty

Today, the Ontario NDP presented its comprehensive platform costing, including all policies announced during the election campaign. A popular theme among commentators has been that platform costings are unrealistic given the deteriorating economic outlook. As Andrea Horwath noted, her platform includes significant contingency funds. It is also cautiously built on the fiscal framework set out […]

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cmkl: Busy week up ahead

I have two days to prepare both the documentation on and the actual product I’m meant to be delivering training on. In french. In Montréal. I’m quite nervous. But I figure if I can get through that, I can get through the rest of the week and maybe -…

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Peace, order and good government, eh?: On Abdelrazik, CSIS and Transport Canada

Since posting on Friday to draw attention to Paul Koring’s latest article on Abousfian Abdelrazik, I’ve had a chance to review some of the previous reports and I noticed something that may just be a coincidence. Or it may not. Recall the main point of the story: that CSIS wanted to keep Abdelrazik in Sudan, or at least prevent him from getting back to Canada. This is from Koring’s article: Hours after Sudanese security forces hauled Mr. Abdelrazik out of his Khartoum prison cell on July 20 and drove him to a police house to await a prearranged flight leaving on July 22, CSIS’s top counterterrorist chief in Ottawa was on the phone with the head of security at Transport Canada to discuss the matter. … It’s unclear what transpired during the conversation, but soon afterward both Air Canada and Lufthansa abruptly cancelled Mr. Abdelrazik’s ticket home. Now think back about six weeks….

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