The Skwib: Too damn hot!

Unknown Photographer, 1940s, a photo by kraftgenie on Flickr. AFter their shift cleaning out the blast furnaces, Edna and Eustace would head down to the the Pantages Theatre, still wearing their protective gear. They took the oxygen with them, and then stole it from their audience. They had a burlesque show that everyone in town […]

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Trashy's World: Le “débat”…

Gee, these so-called debates are becoming more and more irrelevant with each passing election. Really now, because of the long period of time that Ontarians have had to cast their ballots (great idea, BTW… it’ll be interesting to see if the turnout is bumped up) and the lateness of the debate AND that these things […]

Continue reading - Alberta politics blog: alison redford takes a break, hugh macdonald calls it quits.

Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Alison Redford, who placed second in her party’s first ballot leadership vote on September 17, announced yesterday that her campaign would be temporarily suspending its efforts so that she could spend time with her mother who had recently been admitted to the hospital in High River. 630 CHED has reported that […]

Continue reading - Alberta politics blog: alberta candidate nomination update – september 2011 (part 3)

I have updated the list of nominated and declared candidates standing for parties in the next provincial general election: Calgary-McCall: Liberal MLA Darshan Kang was nominated as his party’s candidate. Mr. Kang was first elected as MLA in 2008. Calgary-Mountain View: Christopher McMillan announced over Twitter that he is seeking the NDP nomination in the […]

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