The Skwib: Blogger dies of exposure

LONDON, ON (The Skwib) — Yesterday the writer of the popular blog, Prawned! was found draped across his keyboard, unconscious. Patrick Jones, aka Dedred S., was pronounced dead at the scene by the medical examiner. Jones was known as an insightful and amusing commentator on the gaming and shrimping industries, and appeared as a regular […]

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Sorry if The Occupy Movement Puts a Kink In Your Plans, Mr. Mayor

Believe it or not, I’m not talking about Mayor Boss Hogg and sidekick Donut Dougy.  No, I’m talking about Mayor Gregor Robertson of Vancouver. You see, boys ‘n’ girls, Mayor Robertson is starting to feel a little antsy these days, wondering when or how to end Occupy Vancouver.

Robertson said the city wants . . . → Read More: Sorry if The Occupy Movement Puts a Kink In Your Plans, Mr. Mayor

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