DeSmogBlog: Real ‘Climategate’ Scandal: UK Police Spent Measly $8,843 In Failed Attempt to Identify Criminal Hacker

shutterstock_6710920.jpg Richard Black at the BBC points to the real 'Climategate' scandal that needs further investigation – why the UK police have done such an astonishly poor job investigating this criminal hacking, as evidenced by their tiny expenditures to date this year. From Climate Emails, Storm or Yawn?:  I have it from a very good

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In the words of Lester Pearson.

“This concentration of official power [in the Cabinet Ministers] is, I think, inevitable and up to a point desirable, but it must be kept under parliamentary control if political and personal freedom is not to be intolerably diminished.” How true. How true.

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Sketchy Thoughts: Montreal Book Launch: CAPTIVE GENDERS: trans embodiment and the prison industrial complex (November 24)

[please post and forward widely] [français ci-dessous] [facebook:] ———- Prisoner Correspondence Project, Certain Days, Kersplebedeb Publishing & QPIRG Concordia  invite you to the Montreal book launch of: Captive Genders: trans embodiment and the prison industrial complex Thursday November 24th, 6:30pm QPIRG Concordia1500 de Maisonneuve O. suite 204 metro Guy Concordia Featuring:

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The Harperian base: QOTW

“They tend to be anti-intellectual, anti-science and with little interest in debating the evidence or listening to expert opinion. Many simply want people who do bad things to be severely punished whether it makes streets safer or not.” —EKOS pollster Frank Graves 70% of Canadians favour the decriminalization of marijuana.

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