Be nice.

Niceness is the recognition of grace over substance. Niceness is the recognition of approach versus fact. Niceness is the social system of hypocritical suppression of negativity (fair or not) towards individual members. Niceness expects you to curb any dispositions or objective standards you have in order to support the emotional insecurity of

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Cain Train derailed

From the “In What Will Come As No Surprise to Anyone” files, GOP presidential primary contender, pizzamonger and inveterate skirt-chaser extraordinaire Herman Cain has left the building: Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain effectively ended his 2012 White House race on Saturday, saying “false and unproved” sexual accusations have made it

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A File with Teh See-Siss

I have a seemingly unanswerable question that’s been giving me brain aches, so I thought I’d throw it out there on this fine Saturday afternoon. Why would an ordinary, if imperfect, citizen have a file with CSIS? The rundown:  A friend of mine — and no, I’m not using “friend”

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The Power of the Spoken Word

This video by Leah Harris ,spoken word artist and survivor of the youth mental health system who was orphaned when both of her parents who were diagnosed with schizophrenia died, is one of the most powerful videos I have ever watched.  h/t @opliberation1 and @msanthropics

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Trashy's World: Say what?

I should have never consented to my daughter’s driving lessons… And I sure as hell won’t be letting my 7-year-old get behind the wheel when she turns 16! Wow! Who knew? A report given to a high-level advisory group in Saudi Arabia claims that allowing women in the kingdom to

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The not (not)Premier

TurnaroundIsAFairlyStupidPlay SmearSmackdownVille Well, well, well….. The Cons are at it again. And this time they have decided to ruffle the curtains of the Wizard himself by attempting to peel a strip off the artifice of that which he and his have worked long and hard to package and present to

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