Trashy's World: Faking citizenship…

This so-called “government” is such an embarrassment and its media propaganda machine is a discredit to journalism. Citizenship is something that can just can “faked” for the cameras, eh, Jason Kenney? Six federal bureaucrats were drafted to pose as new Canadians for a citizenship reaffirmation ceremony broadcast on the Sun

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Sun News Network + Jason Kenney = frothy mixture

If you ever wanted to combine the worst of Conservatism – that frothy mixture of deceit, barely-veiled racism and amoral opportunism – look no further than the perfect marriage of the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and Fox News North. Six federal bureaucrats were drafted to pose as new Canadians for a citizenship reaffirmation

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"And yet, it moves"

“Eppur si muove,” Galileo is reputed to have grumbled sotto voce as he formally recanted his claim that the earth orbited the sun instead of the other way around. He was on trial for heresy: these days, in Harper’s Canada™, you merely get shushed by your bosses. And sometimes your

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All About the Timing

The movie “Pink Ribbons“, which explores breast cancer fundraising by groups like Susan G Komen, is being released tomorrow.  Komen’s decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood has been in the works for some time now; one top Komen official quit over it in December. As Dave suggests, the Komen

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