All About the Timing

The movie “Pink Ribbons“, which explores breast cancer fundraising by groups like Susan G Komen, is being released tomorrow.  Komen’s decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood has been in the works for some time now; one top Komen official quit over it in December. As Dave suggests, the Komen

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Faux News North fakes it

Who’s the “state broadcaster” now? Unable to pull enough new Canadians away from their gainful employment to take a citizenship oath for a video clip, the folks at SunTV enlisted the help of their good friend Jason Kenney. Some hand-picked, suitably brown-skinned bureaucrats were duly sent over to the studios

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#Occupy The Cure

I’ve either got the flu or I’m nauseated by the Susan G. Komen/Planned Parenthood fiasco. I’ll take Door #2, SGK/PP, for $200 — the donation that will now go fucking directly to Planned Parenthood since Komen made the ill-advisedly cruel  decision to aquiesce to the ideological pressure of fetus fetishists

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