Chris Selley goes PoMo

On why the Kenney/StuntTV faux-citizenship story doesn’t matter: I can’t help wondering: Just how “real” do we imagine TV news normally is? Do we think interview subjects really spend half the day prowling the halls at work, at roughly the pace of a cameraman walking backwards, worriedly perusing freshly printed

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Politics and Entertainment: Gateway is Certainly in Sinopec’s Interests. It is in No way in Canada’s National Interests

Defenceless: Selling Our Sovereignty  Glavin’s been writing a series of articles on our retreat from even gesturing in the direction of national security interests in our trade and foreign investment dealings. We are sacrificing both our natural resources and sovereign power in the interests of what is clearly a neoliberal agenda:

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Hard news and straight talk (snerk)

Employees of Canada’s unofficial state broadcaster keep scraping away, but the barrel appears to be bottomless. StuntTV has it all: production values not worthy of high-school theatre, the unfunny Ezra Levant in drag, Michael “Black thugs” Coren’s latest on the Moozlum threat, Krista Erickson’s self-caricature, interviews with neo-Nazis, low-budget StuntNews

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