Molly'sBlog: Molly’sBlog 2012-02-10 17:15:00

LOCAL EVENTS WINNIPEG: ANNUAL WOMEN’S MEMORIAL MARCH: Coming up this February 14 (next Tuesday Valentine’s Day) Winnipeg’s annual March for Murdered and Missing Women. Here’s the invite.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Annual Women’s Memorial March of Manitoba Tuesday, February 14, 2012.5:30pm until 7:30pm.. To stand together united as one strong voice, for those who are

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: “Obock Obama”

Wearing a matching sweater vest, Foster Friess, the billionaire investor backing Rick “Man on Dog” Santorum’s frothy campaign to be Theocrat-in-Chief of the Free World, introduces his pet candidate at CPAC 2012: After opening with a mildly amusing joke at the expense of Mitt Romney, Friess goes on to observe

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More Evidence That Ms. Clark Cannot Add.

SnookiDon’tDoNoMath TheSituationVille Remember how we took issue with the following statement from British Columbia’s current (not)Premier when she used it as a rationale to give $125,000 to Geoff Plant’s former man Friday to write a report about how what’s going on with our justice system? Clark said criminal caseloads and

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Excited delirium

A man is Tasered for walking two lapdogs off-leash. Apparently the park ranger thought it would be educational. When the park ranger confronted Hesterberg and asked for his identification, for reasons unknown, Hesterberg gave her a fake name, and then tried repeatedly to leave. Finally, when he started to walk

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The Disaffected Lib: Okay, I Get It. Harper Needs China to Buy Bitumen So Canada Can Buy F-35s to Defend Canada Against China.

Okay, now it all makes sense. According to PostMedia’s howler, Matthew Fisher, Canada needs the F-35 to defend Canada against the creeping Red Menace, China: Despite its staggering cost, the jets’ capabilities have appealed to western governments deeply concerned with how quickly China is acquiring aircraft carriers and expanding its

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Two authors pursued by a character

In the end, good triumphed over banality: Carmen Aguirre, the “bloody terrorist” who should never have been allowed into the country according to one of the judges, won the Canada Reads contest. And the judge, Anne-France Goldwater, ended up voting for her. It was either that, or another hockey book.

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