The Turning of the C-30 Screw continues

Although the government appears to be backing off from introducing their intrusive new internet snooping/spying/sticking-their-noses-in-the-citizens’-private-business bill, today Anonymous once again takes to YouTube to speak for angry Canuckistanian web surfers and issue  a warning… 7 Days, Mr. Toews!: I wonder how long it will be before Toews or one of

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How Wall Street buys Washington

Oh, those fickle Wall Street bankers. In 2008, Barack Obama was their man for president. They lavished $71-million on the Democratic candidate, $10-million more than on his Republican rival. Goldman Sachs was Obama’s major contributor. In the current campaign, they are laying out the largesse again, outspending all other special

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Those Emergency Blues: Your Man Reminder

Anti-pink ribbon breast cancer awareness from Rethink Breast Cancer. The charity bills itself as the “first-ever, Canadian breast cancer charity to bring bold, relevant awareness to the under-40 crowd; foster a new generation of young and influential breast cancer supporters; infuse sass and style into the cause; and, most importantly, respond

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All the news that fits

I couldn’t believe this—saw it on Twitter somewhere, can’t find it for the H/t—so I checked for myself. Sure enough, Canada’s National Newspaper, the Globe & Mail, did not deign to publish a line in its Saturday edition on the widening and deepening robocall/phonebank scandal—unprecedented electoral malfeasance that may have

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