Impolitical: Charitable activities?

Why hasn’t the Manning Centre’s charitable status gotten more attention? CRA’s own guidelines on political activities raise some interesting questions. For e.g., Under the Income Tax Act and in common law, an organization established for a political purpose cannot be a registered charity. The courts have determined political purposes to

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The dumbing down of Order Paper Questions

On an Order Paper question about the new Office of Religious Freedoms, the Conservatives replied to very specific questions with…some press release bumf. Seriously? Seriously? This is not good for our democracy, or the roles of MPs to hold government to account. If they can’t get answers to their questions, how are they

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Morton's Musings: Gay bashing in Uganda: Silence is not an option

BERNIE FARBER Globe and Mail As Canadians, we must be careful not to be lulled into complacency. After all, we live in a country that celebrates diversity, pluralism and acceptance. Canada was one of the first nations to legislate recognition of same-sex marriages. Sadly, many other places in the

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