From Mr. Mayrand’s Mouth…To Ms. O’Malley’s Thumbs… To Your Eyes…"200!"

Budget?WhatBudget? Lock’EmAllUpVille Yes that’s right. 200. As in 200 ridings. From Ms. O’Malley’s Liveblog (of the proMedia-packed committee room): 11:34 Kady: Whoa: According to Mayrand, those 800 (election misdirection) complaints cover *200* ridings. That’s — somewhat staggering, actually. I would’ve guessed maybe 100 ridings max. Doesn’t mean all the allegations

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My Morning Ride.

BigWheelKeepOn Turnin’Ville The blossoms are out. And they are white down Arbutus Valley way. So. With the wind up, will it be blizzard on the way home? Might have to listen to the traffic report before I leave tonight. .

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