Northern Reflections: Bad Moon Rising

                                             You know the Conservatives are in trouble when Ian MacDonald says they are. No Liberal or Dipper, MacDonald got into politics as a spokesman for Brian Mulroney and as an ardent supporter of his high school classmate, Jim Flaherty. But now he is worried. The latest EKOS poll

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Northern Reflections: A Very Dark Place

                                                                  Gerry Caplan has a sober piece in this morning’s Globe and Mail. Its thesis is bleak: “No matter what leaders do, there won’t be peace in the Middle East.” There will be no two state solution, he writes, because both sides are not prepared to give what would

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Northern Reflections: Not Just One Bad Apple

                                                      So Michael Sona is guilty of election fraud, even though the crown prosecutor and the judge both agree that he did not act alone. The Harperites will continue to insist that Sona was just one bad apple. But that meme has become the punchline of a national joke.

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Northern Reflections: The Princes Of Hot Air

                                                    The Harper government has been slashing government spending. But, if you take Deep Throat’s advice, and follow the money — to where it’s spent and not spent —  Gregory Thomas writes that you get a real portrait of who these people are: Despite the Harper government’s avowed objective

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Northern Reflections: The Nut Gallery

                                                          They tried, “He’s in over his head.” That didn’t work. They tried,”He’ll sell pot to your kids.” That went up in smoke. Now they’re floating the message that Justin Trudeau “consorts with religious extremists.” According to the Huffington Post: Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino, who recently circulated flyers

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Northern Reflections: Caught In A Rut Of His Own Making

                                                 Stephen Harper claims that his is a steady hand at the economic tiller. But now even the conservative C.B. Howe Institute disputes that claim. Carol Goar writes: But as the government heads into the last year of its mandate, even the prime minister’s ideological allies are beginning to

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Northern Reflections: One Hundred Years Later

                                                                              Yesterday, the prime minister attended a ceremony to mark Canada’s entry into the First World War. The standard interpretation of Canada’s part in that war is that we blindly followed Britain to war. But we emerged from it a mature, independent nation. Andrew Cohen writes that the one

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Northern Reflections: The World Is Catching On

                                                               Rumour has it that CETA — the Canadian-European Trade Agreement — is in trouble. The problem is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism. Germany doesn’t like it. Jim Stanford writes: Germany’s limited experience with ISDS (it was recently sued by a Swedish company for billions in lost profits resulting

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