Northern Reflections: All That Dead Money

                                           In 1974, Arthur Laffer famously drew a curve on the back of a napkin while he had dinner with a reporter from the Wall Street Journal. The curve illustrated Laffer’s theory that, as governments cut taxes, their revenues increased. Margaret Thatcher gave the curve a try and it

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Northern Reflections: The Next Wedge

                                                 This week, the Conference Board released a report predicting generational warfare between Canadians. Macleans has also jumped on the bandwagon. Linda McQuaig writes: I turn to Maclean’s if I want to know what idea conservatives will be pushing next. So when I saw a recent copy of Maclean’s

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Northern Reflections: A Mere Mortal Andrew Nikiforuk writes that, according to Gus Van  Harten, the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement — which Stephen Harper signed without any public debate — trumps both First Nations and provincial rights which, up to this point,  have been enshrined in Canadian jurisprudence. Van  Harten has several concerns

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Northern Reflections: The Bunker Buster

                                            The conventional wisdom these days seems to hold that Stephen Harper will never testify at Mike Duffy’s trial. But Scott Reid, who used to be Paul Martin’s director of communications, knows what kind of damage scandal can do to a prime minister’s future. He writes that no one

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Northern Reflections: Stunning Inequality

                                                             The Broadbent Institute has just released a study on the distribution of wealth in Canada. Rick Smith, the institute’s director, writes: While the growing income share of the richest 1 per cent often dominates the headlines, looking at the distribution of wealth as opposed to income provides a

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Northern Reflections: Welcome To The Harperian Universe

                                                   The Harper government plans to enter the 2015 election with a hefty surplus. But, Linda McQuaig writes, don’t expect that money to be spent on health care: Medicare, with its principles of equality and accessibility regardless of income, represents values that are the very antithesis of the marketplace

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Northern Reflections: More Poor Choices?

                                                 Yesterday, the Harper Party released its latest campaign ad. It was Stephen Harper’s steady hand at the tiller, the ad claimed, that has guided Canada through the economic storms of the decade. But Scott Clark and Peter Devries beg to differ. The economy, they write, is dead in

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Northern Reflections: The Smell Of Desperation

                                                 If you want to really know what’s driving the Harperites these days, Devon Black writes, consider the tactics they are using: Twice in the last three months, Conservatives have sent individuals into Liberal events in the hopes of deliberately instigating missteps — while secretly recording the whole thing

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