Northern Reflections: Stunning Inequality

                                                             The Broadbent Institute has just released a study on the distribution of wealth in Canada. Rick Smith, the institute’s director, writes: While the growing income share of the richest 1 per cent often dominates the headlines, looking at the distribution of wealth as opposed to income provides a

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Northern Reflections: Welcome To The Harperian Universe

                                                   The Harper government plans to enter the 2015 election with a hefty surplus. But, Linda McQuaig writes, don’t expect that money to be spent on health care: Medicare, with its principles of equality and accessibility regardless of income, represents values that are the very antithesis of the marketplace

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Northern Reflections: More Poor Choices?

                                                 Yesterday, the Harper Party released its latest campaign ad. It was Stephen Harper’s steady hand at the tiller, the ad claimed, that has guided Canada through the economic storms of the decade. But Scott Clark and Peter Devries beg to differ. The economy, they write, is dead in

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Northern Reflections: The Smell Of Desperation

                                                 If you want to really know what’s driving the Harperites these days, Devon Black writes, consider the tactics they are using: Twice in the last three months, Conservatives have sent individuals into Liberal events in the hopes of deliberately instigating missteps — while secretly recording the whole thing

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Northern Reflections: The Well Heeled Terrorist

                                                        The conventional wisdom holds that violence and terrorism is the inevitable consequence of poverty and ignorance. Cass Sunstein, who teaches law at Harvard, writes that the evidence suggests something entirely different: Most extremists, including those who commit violence, are not poor and do not lack education. Suicide bombers

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Northern Reflections: The Petro Goose Is Getting Cooked

                                                   The oil industry has stopped laying golden eggs. Its profits are being squeezed. That news has not been widely reported. But, Andrew Nikiforuk writes, it has been hiding in plain sight on the U.S. Energy Administration website: Last July the government agency, which has collected mundane statistics on

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Northern Reflections: Simple Solutions Come From Simple Minds

                                                      What is behind Stephen Harper’s war on sociology? Jakeet Sing writes: So what does Harper have against sociology? First, Harper is clearly trumpeting a standard component of neo-liberal ideology: that there are no social phenomena, only individual incidents. (This ideology traces back to Margaret Thatcher’s famous claim that

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