Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello to join Occupy Vancouver Wednesday?

Occupy Vancouver and Tom Morello? Sheeit. Perfection.

When asked if he would try to join the Occupy Vancouver crowds in the street before his concert appearance at the Vogue Theatre Wednesday night, Morello hinted he had even bigger plans.“We may bring Occupy Vancouver to the venue,” Morello said. “We’re in discussion. We’ll see if we can get that together.” 

He laughed. 

“I’m glad that finally people across the country and across the globe are giving voice to their discontent about the poor management that the ‘one per cent’ has done of the planet,” he added. “When you’re managing human affairs in the name of profit, it’s going to be very scarring to the environment and devastating to human rights, and the Occupy movement is now giving voice to that discontent. The discontent is always latent, but now it is represented on street corners in cities around the world.”