US protests against Keystone XL pipeline taking their toll on Conservatives

This is a delightful example of how protests can pay big dividends. US celebrities protesting the pipeline are scaring Ottawa big time.

Actors Daryl Hannah and Mark Ruffalo, author and environmentalist Bill McKibben, “No Logo” author Naomi Klein, as well as the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu are among notables who have come out against the Keystone XL pipeline. 

Hannah was one of more than 1,200 people arrested in protests against Keystone XL at the White House in August and September. Another anti-oil sands demonstration is planned for Ottawa on September 26, and a host of Canadian actors, including Gordon Pinsent and Dave Thomas, have said they back the cause. 

Still, [Joe] Oliver insisted he does not believe that protests will derail development of the pipeline. 

“I remain optimistic about the ultimate decision that the government of the United States will make in the national interest, as they see it,” he told reporters at the event. “But we don’t presume to interfere with their permit processing.”

OK Joe, so you’re not worried. Then why all the angst?

It must be driving the controlling Cons insane that they cannot control the message in the US and come down there and kick the shit out of the protesters like they did at the G20. Ah democracy, still alive and well in the States. Remember those days?

H/T: @trapdinawrpool