Remember when the right blamed the Norway massacre on Muslims? Now it’s accusing Soros of betting $1B on the US losing its S&P AAA rating.

Not that I care any more. If Soros bet a sure bet, good for him. Cantor, Boehner and McConnell had Obama by the balls and S&P just picked up the pieces.

But the real story here is that, without a lick of proof, the Daily Mail has issued a rumour that Soros did such a thing and the rightosphere is having a collective orgasm of accusations that are positively Jennifer Rubin-like. Who cares who bet on this catastrophe? What is important is who and what caused it.

Fuck these people. It’s all rumour and media placement. Liberal media, my ass. Jumping the gun on the Norway slaughter was an anomaly for the right? Fuck that.

(And you know what, I hope Soros did make such a bet. He was right on the money, again. He didn’t cause the failure, the “majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues” did).