Michael Coren: "It’s not about race. It’s about culture". Bullshit.

Dawg posted a video tonight I wish I had never seen. No, not a clip from the latest slasher flick. Worse. Michael Coren, using the meme begun by disgraced ‘historian’ David Starkey that it’s ‘not racism, it’s culture’, went on a riot of his own on Fox News North with Brian Lilley gleefully cheering him on. His rampage laid waste to black people, their history and their culture.

This open sewer of hate has been long coming. What started with Obama has become an open wound. Now Breivik and the riots have taken away any last vestiges of holding back the ugly undercurrents of the pillars of conservatism.

Coren’s rant is nothing more than pure racism, stripped of any pretence of civility or reality. It has most certainly broken Canadian broadcasting rules. Goddamn you Anders Breivik. What you have started is far greater than you anticipated. Fox News North has come by at just the ‘right’ time to capitalize on that hate and lack of self control in the form of license to people like Michael Coren to openly spew racist hate.