MGMT attacked by mob at Huntington Beach concert using shoes as weapon. Michael Coren blames ‘black thugs’

It was an ugly scene at the surfer extravaganza concert featuring the band MGMT. The band was brutally attacked by an onslaught of footwear, including flip flops and Teva’s. The ugly incident is the latest example of ‘unsupervised black culture’ according to Fox News North personality Michael Coren. “Sure there are not many black people in Huntington Beach, but you can hear the patois of the Jamaican thugs in the voices in the mob. The natural instinct for violence from these natives living in whitebread squalor is something we should all fear”.

Coren went on to compare the shoe throwing to the habit of Muslims throwing shoes at US presidents. “It starts with shoes”, Coren claims, “and ends with Sharia. This is not just about angry black thugs, it’s about the dark skinned people influencing our youth. Islam, Rasta, MGMT, it’s all the same threat.”

Citing the words of fellow Brit David Starkey, Coren denied there is any racism in his claims, “It’s not about blacks. It’s about culture. These blonde surfer types are direct descendants of Hawaiians, who are somewhat black. I lived in Huntington Beach for a summer and I can tell you the threat from blacks, Hawaiians, Sharia and surfers is a new wave of terror engulfing the planet.”