As useless as it is, the monarchy is still better than Stephen Harper

Just ask Stephanie and Kimberly Tepper. They have been forced to write the Queen to take action to help free their father Henk Tepper, the New Brunswick farmer stuck in a Lebanese jail. Stephen Harper will not step in. Hell, he won’t even respond to pleas for help. It’s doubtful the Queen will do anything either but it does say a whole lot about our government and what it has done to us as a country when our citizens have to resort to asking a foreign monarchy for help because our government could give a shit.

Tepper has been in jail since March 23, when he was arrested by Lebanese customs officials after landing in Beirut on commercial business. It’s alleged that he forged documents to sneak potatoes through customs in Algeria.

Stephanie and Kimberly Tepper wrote an open letter Queen Elizabeth and Gov. Gen. David Johnston this week, saying their repeated letters to Prime Minister Stephen Harper had been ignored.

It’s unlikely the girls will hear any royal feedback, said Garry Toffoli of the Canadian Royal Heritage Trust.

The Queen could look up royal connections, or subtly turn the topic of conversation to Tepper’s case, but whatever she may say to Harper “will never be revealed,” Toffoli said.