Canucks fans reveling in team’s new rep as most hated NHL team

(Another test post)

… waiting…

For a city featured as ‘No Fun City’ in a recent documentary, Vancouverites are welcoming the reputation of our hockey team as ‘most hated’. From Alberta to the GTA to Boston, whether it be Lapierre, Burrows or Luongo, the green men or the fans, people are outraged with the Canucks. From Twitter to blog posts to Johnny Canucks’ youtube video* to The Star’s Enquirer-style headlines, every utterance, every past indiscretion by a Canuck is held up and examined, ridiculed – and misrepresented.

Vancouver is much loved and envied around the world. It’s famous for its gorgeous scenery, laid-back lifestyle, pot smokers and at one time, hippies. Now that the Canucks are poised for a possible Stanley Cup victory, our NHL franchise has made us villains. As Randy Newman once sang, ‘We love it!’ The blemish on our city is no longer just the downtown east side, it’s the Canucks. Which will make it all that much sweeter if the Canucks bring the cup to Vancouver. It’s all that matters right now, the Stanley Cup.
