Quotable Notables
Quotable: Arundhati Roy on the ghosts of capitalism
“Though capitalism is meant to be based on competition, those at the top of the food chain have also shown themselves to be capable of inclusiveness and solidarity. The great…
Quotable: Banksy on advertising
(Ed. note: Yes, I have been posting very lightly of late. I’m at work on a translation project, a book-length one. I’m finding it both stimulating and mentally exhausting simultaneously.…
Quotable: Tariq Ali on the “lone gunman” of Afghanistan
“It’s hardly a secret that most Afghans are opposed to the occupation of their country. Occupying soldiers are well aware of the fact. The ‘enemy’ is not hidden. It is…
Quotable: Sir John A. Macdonald on US imperialism
Image by Tigana Too. Yes, my Latin American amig@s, it’s true. Nosotr@s, l@s canadienses, somos el OTRO patio trasero de los EEUU. We’re the US’s OTHER backyard, and we’ve been…
Quotable: Dwight D. Eisenhower on the social safety net
Man, that Ike. What a commie-pinko socialist. How the hell did he ever become a Republican? (And speaking of which: Why is that party not deader than the friggin’ dodo…
Quotable: Adam Smith on progressive taxation
Man, that Adam Smith. Some “Father of Capitalism” this commie-pinko socialist wealth redistributor is turning out to be, eh?
Quotable: Kieran Bonner on the banality of evil
“We are not suffering from a secret cabal of evil masterminds who plotted to bring down the world economy. The problem was not secrecy. On the contrary, the ballooning debt…