Low Income Cut-offs – A Lesson for the #CPC
Yesterday my post talked about how sad I thought it was that Conservatives did not acknowledge poverty in Canada. And this morning to my surprise there was a comment arguing…
Yesterday my post talked about how sad I thought it was that Conservatives did not acknowledge poverty in Canada. And this morning to my surprise there was a comment arguing…
Harper and Alexander Recently Conservative Chris Alexander made the assertion that Canada has eradicated poverty. Statements like this are disheartening. Many Canadians have to make the difficult choice between paying…
I am reluctant to use words like "douchebag" in daily conversation. There are, and have been, a number of politicians for whom I have little regard, but for whom I…
Ok, some somebody doesn’t know what Tyranny means or actually, what democracy means. That somebody today is Scott Armstrong. Here’s the quote from the Globe and Mail article regarding this…
Ok, some somebody doesn’t know what Tyranny means or actually, what democracy means. That somebody today is Scott Armstrong. Here’s the quote from the Globe and Mail article regarding this…
I’ve got an analogy for the Conservtive party’s stance over the possibility of a coalition. They’re just clever bullies, and they should be treated appropriately. Think back to high school.…
April ReignStephen ‘we aren’t in election mode‘ Harper’s attack ads on Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff takes various quotes with no context in order to paint him as someone with no…
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/tories-bicker-in-key-toronto-area-ridings/article1897744/page1/Conservatives in my home riding of Mississauga South must really miss the days when they could just throw a Kennedy on the ballot and have the r...
While federal liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff rides the campaign bus around the country, the Conservatives have launched a series of Anti-Iggy tv ads. The thing is, they’re funny!!! But it…
Flaherty: "Why reform CPP? It's fine the way it is." I just want to say first that I'm not a pension expert. It's one of my weaker areas of knowledge.…
OK, I thought I was just going to read a little news, have my coffee and get back to work. I was fine until I saw this on twitter: @stephen_taylor…
The cat is out of the bag – Saskatchewan MP’s are true pine riders. In the wake of the mighty potash decision, it has gone to light that thirteen of…
Stephen Taylor has an interesting article about the decision to block the potash buyout today in the National Post. The gist is that fiscal conservatives are being betrayed by this…
What with all the hoo-ha over the gun registry recently, I wanted to put my two cents in. I got in a Facebook argument with someone I don't even know,…
Whooee! Well, friends an' foes, today's the day our gummint goes back to work after another 13 week vacation. While the MPs were away from the House, "a total of…
The Press ReleaseThere was a press release making the rounds yesterday, allegedly released by th...
Given the state of affairs in BC right now, if I was a betting man, I’d bet on the NDP not just winning the next election, but betting the BC…
Ah, the gun registry. I agree with FarAndWide completely on this. The NDP are planning to allow a free vote of all their members on the issue, even though the…
Yesterday I posted Munir A. Sheikh resignation letter from Statistics Canada, warning that t was likely to be removed. 24 hours later, it's gone. In its place is this: Media…
Clearly, Harper and Clement were imposing a political decision on the internationally renown Statistic Canada. Munir A. Sheikh stood up, and with honour, did the right thing. If only we…