I am reluctant to use words like “douchebag” in daily conversation. There are, and have been, a number of politicians for whom I have little regard, but for whom I reserve at least a small amount of respect. In the riding of Pierre Pollievre, however, the rules of discourse and decency might as well be thrown out the window. While there is no evidence that Pollievre or his people are behind this little Palin-esque episode, it is unsurprising that in an electoral district where decorum and intelligence lags the national average by a great margin, an event such as this one would be first reported. I don’t know who this candidate is, and I’m not sure I’ve ever met the guy. But I know how much lawn signs cost to be printed, and the kind of volunteer effort required to get them out in the early stages of an election campaign. So I’m sending him a few dollars to cover some of the $2,000 worth of damage done by a bunch of brainless tories senseless vandals to his signs in Nepean Carleton. I hope you will, too. Click here to help the guy out.