Tony Clement is your champion of open government, Conservatives?
I had to laugh when I read this: ..Clement will be hosting a conference in Ottawa next week on open government. “As a minister, Clement has pushed forward with initiatives…
I had to laugh when I read this: ..Clement will be hosting a conference in Ottawa next week on open government. “As a minister, Clement has pushed forward with initiatives…
Energy analyst Tom Adams’ latest blog post on the Muskrat Falls project takes direct aim at the water studies used by Nalcor to support its claim that the plant will…
As the rhetoric on the OAS and pension debates really ramps up, what with the (truncated) debate on the pooled registered pension plans, and the continued reaction to Harper’s speech…
NAR founder C. Peter Wagner says he has been given a tribute by the State of Delaware. Richard Bartholomew has the details. We’ll have to take C. Pete’s word for…
For Brad Trost and Maurice Vellacott, two MPs who are disgrace to Saskatchewan, Politics’n’Poetry gives you this:
I have great respect for Kim Oakley a California mother who has been honestly and courageously documenting her severely autistic son’s self-injurious behavior on Youtube, Classic Autism kgaccount’s channel, for…
“Holy shit,” this old guy is asking himself, “what was I thinking when I voted for Stephen Harper?” Below, Prime Minister Harper himself, possibly not exactly as illustrated. Below that,…
Rough beasts, start slouching. I’m starting to think a few things are starting to fall apart for the Harper Cons.After telling middle-aged Walmart cashiers that MPs are going to force…
A US minister is threatening the spokesperson for Prairie Bible Institute abuse survivors, and by extension, PBI survivors with a lawsuit. Fred Whaples, a church planter in Concord North Carolina,…
I just wanted to update folks on the Aeronautics Act regulatory change issue. Firstly, I caution people to avoid saying that that trans people are “completely banned” from airlines, especially…
monckton_boardroom.jpg BACK in July last year in a boardroom of a western Australian free-market think tank, the extrovert British climate change sceptic Lord Christopher Monckton was holding court. The topic…
. ….Again. Remember when we learned, back in 2009, that BC Liberal Party insider Mr. Patrick Kinsella was paid $6,000 per month for 49 straight months by BC Rail before,…