March 2011

Unbelievable Arrogance !

Democracy double: Harper government takes twin blows for defying Parliament "Baird interpreted Milliken's ruling to mean the government could either hand over more information or provide better reasons for witholding…

No, You’re Out of Order!

Source: CBC News: Speaker Rules Against Government, OdaIn a ruling that should shock no one, Speaker of the House Peter Milliken, has ruled against the Government and cabinet minister Bev…

Progress report

Remember the two benfits of failure.First,if you do fail, you learn what doesn't work;and second, the failure give you the opportunity to try a new approach.Roger Von OechWell I have…

Centre 454

Here's a little background on the media release that was sent out last week. Centre 454 is a day-shelter that is moving back into Sandy Hill. The communications regarding the…

More on Sameness

Responding to the enquiries posted to this blog post. Originally intended as a comment, but Blogger very arbitrarily limits the size of comments, and I can't seem to change that.…

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