Left Over: Alberta: NOT the “West”

I am always bemused by the CRAP trolls that infect the comments section of all media relating to anything happening in Canada..they are vituperous, lacking in logic, and fond of attacking Mulcair with ill-disguised ignorance of who he really is, and what he stands for..but the really annoying part of

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gritchik: Bev Odour

So, now we learn that the former minister has been smoking in her offices. Just for the record, she’s not the only MP or senator to break the no smoking rule but probably the only one stupid enough to expense the air purifier used to cover up the stench.

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gritchik: Bev Odour

So, now we learn that the former minister has been smoking in her offices. Just for the record, she’s not the only MP or senator to break the no smoking rule but probably the only one stupid enough to expense the air purifier used to cover up the stench.

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Left Over: B.C. minister t…

B.C. minister tours Haida Gwaii, surveys tsunami debris 3-day fact-finding mission aims to survey debris first-hand   Wow..three days?  Really?  I’d love a three day jaunt to Haida Gwaii, don’t get me wrong, but  sure wouldn’t ask the BC taxpayers to cover it in the guise of “fact-finding,” but, hey,

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