Team Ford’s malignancy: It’s not just the Jarvis bike lanes | #TOpoli #bikeTO

By now so much has been written and blogged and tweeted about yesterday’s clusterfuck at Toronto Council that there’s no point in rehashing it. Go read Matt Elliott’s summary at Ford For Toronto if you want a recap.

For Christ’s sakes. This isn’t just about the lack of any coherent policy justification, or the Machiavellian political . . . → Read More: Team Ford’s malignancy: It’s not just the Jarvis bike lanes | #TOpoli #bikeTO

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Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Ontario

Flew to Toronto on Monday morning, and slept along the way, still only giving me a few hours of sleep, as I was wound up and doing chores I hadn’t done due to wedding preparations. Rented a car downtown after taking the TTC, and went back to the airport to pick up our friend who […]

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