The Adventures of Diva Rachel: Le pape François parle du «nouveau colonialisme» alors que l’Afrique ne s’est pas encore emancipée du colonialisme usité

Il y a trente ans, le pape Jean-Paul II a choisi le Cameroun comme emplacement pour présenter des excuses à l’Afrique noire pour l’implication des chrétiens blancs dans la traite négrière. Maintenant, c’est au tour du pape François d’emprunter l’Afrique sub-saharienne comme toile de fond lors qu’un discours anticolonialiste.

Pendant son voyage inaugural au «continent noir», le pape François a critiqué «les nouvelles formes de colonialisme» qui exacerbent «l’injustice terrible de l’exclusion urbaine». Le souverain pontife a également condamné la distribution injuste des terres, les mauvaises conditions de logement, etc. «Ces réalités … ne sont pas qu’un malheureux hasard, ni une ribambelle de problèmes indépendants. Ce sont les conséquences des nouvelles formes de colonialisme». [traduction libre]
Le colonialisme et l’Afrique sub-saharienne sont intimement liés.

La politique ou la pratique d’étendre son contrôle sur d’autres pays, notamment en établissant des colonies ou de l’exploitation des ressources d’un pays.

Après que Christophe Colomb découvre l’Inde un nouveau continent, les nations européennes exercent un contrôle génocidaire sur les peuples Amérindiens, tout en important une main-d’œuvre qui servira à exploiter les terres réappropriées. L’escroquerie et l’institution inhumaine de l’esclavage étaient justifiées par l’idéologie de l’Église. « L’esclavage fait partie du plan du dieu chrétien », soutiennent les colonisateurs:

On dit que l’Ancien et le Nouveau Testament donnent la permission de retenir des personnes comme esclave. Dans l’Ancien Testament, Dieu et les Patriarches en approuvent. Dans le Nouveau Testament, Jésus et les apôtres montrent que l’esclavage est permis. Par conséquent, l’esclavage n’est pas une institution antichrétienne — tout le contraire. En outre, de prétendre que l’esclavage est antichrétien parce qu’une telle conclusion contredit Dieu. [traduction libre d’un article d’un journal de Caroline du Sud, 1835; source ]

Les déclarations du pape Jean-Paul II et du pape François témoignent des torts incommensurables et persistants que le colonialisme et l’esclavage transatlantique ont infligés sur l’Afrique. Le pape François s’est permis de semoncer en sourdine les dirigeants africains pour leur rôle dans ce que le pontife qualifie de «nouveau colonialisme.» Est-ce une étourderie pour distraire le peuple du «colonialisme usité» dont a profité l’Église et pour lequel le Vatican n’a jamais rendu de véritables réparations ?

N’en déplaise à l’Occident, le colonialisme et la traite négrière ont nourri la l’invasion européenne des deux bords de l’océan Atlantique: en Afrique et dans les Amériques. Au nom de leurs monarques européens et avec la bénédiction de l’Église, les colons ont pillé les ressources humaines de l’Afrique pendant 315 ans. Plus de 12 millions de corps sont transbordés vers le Nouveau Monde. Quelques millions d’entre eux meurent en route. À l’arrivée, les africains accélèrent l’invasion et l’emprise des européens sur les terres volées. Bien sûr, les premiers bâtiments érigés sont des églises. La plupart des propriétaires d’esclaves étaient chrétiens. Les membres du clergé, eux aussi, participent à la traite négrière. Même les missionnaires chrétiens venus pour «évangéliser les sauvages» possèdent des esclaves. Le commerce des esclaves, aussi rentable qu’il soit, rempli les coffres de l’Église. Le Vatican, aujourd’hui inondé d’or, doit lui-même un lourd tribut à l’esclavage et au colonialisme. Contrairement à un certain nombre d’églises américaines et d’universités chrétiennes telles que Georgetown et Princeton, qui s’imposent examen de conscience afin de confronter leurs liens historique et financier à l’esclavage, le Vatican joue à l’autruche. La tête du Pape reste fermement enfoncée dans le sable.
Le pape François, comme ses prédécesseurs en visite en Amérique, n’a fait aucune mention des atrocités racistes qu’engendra le « colonialisme usité ». Les descendants d’esclaves se retrouvent toujours au bas de l’échelle socioéconomique dans la plupart des Amériques, aux côtés des survivants du génocide indigène. Ces réalités ne sont pas qu’un malheureux hasard, ni une ribambelle de problèmes indépendants. Elles sont la conséquence du «colonialisme usité,» auquel le pape fait la sourde oreille.
Un fois l’esclavage aboli, les européens en Afrique passent de l’enlèvement des ressources humaines au pillage des ressources physiques. Les puissances européennes et les Etats-Unis se réunissent à Berlin en 1884 pour partager entre eux le territoire africain (et ses précieuses ressources naturelles). En imposant des frontières maladroites et difformes, les européens scindent des tribus des familles et ils alimentent la rivalité entre les tribus traditionnellement inconciliables. De nos jours, la prise européenne cède à celle de la Chine. Celle-ci devient l’envahisseur l’investisseur chef en Afrique. Malgré les milliards de dollars de profits, rien, semble-t-il, ne parvient à alimenter les bidonvilles de Nairobi, où le pape François a fait son allocution anticolonialiste.

L’Église de Rome concède que l’esclave africain était un être humain en 1839. Le pape Grégoire XVI ne mâche pas ses mots, quoique son Église amasse un capital impressionnant sur le dos des esclaves. Près de deux cents ans et plusieurs millions de morts plus tard, le chef actuel de l’Église catholique romaine, un homme blanc, descend de sa tour d’ivoire pour visiter les africains afin de pontifier sur le «nouveau colonialisme». Alors que les Africains et les Afro-descendants portent toujours les cicatrices du «colonialisme usité», un certain nombre d’églises chrétiennes ont la lucidité d’aborder des discussions sur les réparations. Avant que le pape François ne se penche sur la répartition inéquitable des terres et des ressources africaines, le Vatican se doit redécouvrir la parole du Christ et de répondre aux conséquences de ses propres péchés coloniaux.

The adventures of a Franco Ontarian Viz Min Woman in Ottawa.
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The Adventures of Diva Rachel: Le pape François parle du «nouveau colonialisme» alors que l’Afrique ne s’est pas encore emancipée du colonialisme usité

Il y a trente ans, le pape Jean-Paul II a choisi le Cameroun comme emplacement pour présenter des excuses à l’Afrique noire pour l’implication des chrétiens blancs dans la traite négrière. Maintenant, c’est au tour du pape François d’emprunter l’Afrique sub-saharienne comme toile de fond lors qu’un discours anticolonialiste. Pendant

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The Adventures of Diva Rachel: The Panda PM and the Pandering Patrician #elxn42



1. A person of refined upbringing.

2. A member of an aristocracy; an aristocrat.

PM Stephen Harper got a jump-start on his electoral promise to increase the country’s panda population. Canada added not one but two pandas to its cubs-in-captivity collection this week.

“Canadians will have the opportunity for even more panda sightings in both Toronto and Calgary.”
– Prime Minister Harper, September 2015.

No other PM in Canadian history has paid so much attention to these mammals. In 2013, PM Harper hinted at his political prioritization pyramid when he opted to pose with a pair of pandas instead of meeting Aboriginal youth leaders. The Nishiyuu Journey from Northern Quebec to Ottawa was started by teenager David Kawapit Jr. and six other Whapmagoostui residents. By the end of their 1,600 km trek to Parliament Hill, the group had grown to 270. The prime-ministerial snub was summarized by Vice News as: “Stephen Harper Likes Pandas More than Idle No More“.

In general, the electorate can decipher a party leader’s priorities by observing their conspicuous conduct and strategic silences more so than their words. Actions matter the most. Silences speak volumes. And talk is cheap.
Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau showed his true colours when he honoured a commitment to Vancouver’s Gay Pride Parade over the all-important first electoral news cycle. When the writ dropped in August, Trudeau was noticeably absent from the airwaves — on a cross-country flight to attend the celebration of British Columbia’s LGBT community.

“I made a promise to the half a million British Columbians who will be celebrating Pride this afternoon, celebrating Canada’s diversity.” Trudeau explained.

One month after the writ drop, Trudeau gave lip service to Syrian refugees by suggesting Canada accept 25,000 of them ‘immediately’. Weeks later, Trudeau upped the ante: he said he’d consider airlifting Syrian refugees to fulfill his promise by January 2016. Trudeau later qualified Canada’s current refugee policy as “disgusting”.

By mid-campaign, both the Liberals and Tom Mulcair’s NDP argued against placing a ban on the niqab at citizenship ceremonies. Mr. Mulcair argued that the choice to wear this religious garb — a veil which covers the whole face, save the eyes – belongs to the individual. Trudeau, too, defended the pair of Muslim women who sought to keep themselves covered at the moment they ascend to Canadian citizenship. What better way to project adherence to women’s issues than to defend a woman’s right to choose? The absence of women’s chief grievances from the general discourse might be more telling.

Last Spring, the Conservative government made changes to the Citizenship Act, which included expanding the grounds for the revocation of citizenship. Naturally, the legislation applies to convicted terrorists, such as the Toronto 18. (They plotted to bomb downtown Toronto). During the electoral writ, several convicted criminals received federal notice that their citizenship would be revoked. In an atypical case, a Canadian-born convict could also lose his citizenship.

Mr. Trudeau jumped to the convicted terrorists’ defense when they were threatened with deportation.

“[…] The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship,” Trudeau said. “Because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.”

Trudeau and his fans liberal supporters love to brandish the Charter of Rights and Freedoms when they mine minority voting blocs defend Canadian values. To Liberals, the Charter is a fetish point of reference for upholding LGBT Rainbow Rights, protecting religious prerogatives or defending convicted criminals.

All the grandstanding about minority rights fades to radio silence for one demographic: Justin Trudeau defended the Charter rights of convicted terrorists ahead of innocent Afro-Canadians.

Trudeau’s Liberals recruited the champion of carding, former Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, to represent the party in Scarborough, ON. The controversial police practice of ‘randomly’ stopping dark-skinned citizens who are not crime suspects has come under scrutiny in around the country. First Nations leaders have also decried the racist practice. Trudeau’s tacit endorsement of this Charter violation flies in the face of the ‘Just Society‘ his famous father stood for. In the dying days of the electoral campaign, some erudite liberal-minded leaders have read Trudeau’s deafening silence as a betrayal.

Much has been said of ‘weapons of mass distraction‘ this election cycle. The ‘Panda PM’ may have brought forth an array of red herrings to discourage undesired discourse, but there isn’t a niqab large enough to conceal the Liberal Party’s indifference towards the lives of those most vulnerable to civil rights abuses.

The adventures of a Franco Ontarian Viz Min Woman in Ottawa.
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The Adventures of Diva Rachel: Off With Their Heads! Deporting Home-Grown Degenerates and Killers

In the bowels of all grand societies inevitably lie the residuals of human scum. Those people who choose to destroy rather than build, to hate rather than tolerate, to terrorize rather than assuage and uplift. When poisonous behaviour intersects with law enforcement, the toxic mixture often results in general condemnation by the general public.

Civilizations have, for centuries, cast away degenerates and social deviants to prisons (after a prescribed judicial process).

When gun violence errupted in Canada’s largest city in 2012, then-Immigration Minister Jason Kenney pounced on the tragedy to justify the Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act. Surely Canadians would agree to wash our nation of these undesirables. “Foreign gangsters should be deported w/out delay,” Kenney tweeted.

In Spring 2015, substantial changes to the Citizenship Act, which expanded the grounds for which a Canadian citizenship can be revoked, came into effect. As such, Canadians convicted of trying to join terrorist groups, attempted murder and other egregious crimes are subject to “double punishment”: the government resolved to displume them of their citizenship in addition to their prescribed lengthy prison sentences.

Like the umbrage after the PM uttered the words “old stock Canadians” at  a federal debate, ostensibly to differentiate white Canadians from immigrants and visible minorities, the uneven application of judicial punishment raises concerns.

These Canadians stand to be deported due to their crimes:

  • Hiva Mohammad Alizadeh, convicted in an Ottawa terror plot and sentenced to 24 years in prison.
  • Mohamed Hersi was convicted of trying to join the Somali militant group al-Shabaab and received a 10-year sentence.
  • Zakaria Amara was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole until 2016 after admitting his role in the terror plot
  • Saad Gaya is serving an 18-year sentence for his role in the Toronto 18 bomb plot.

Meanwhile, these killers remain in Canadian soil:

  • Pig farmer Robert Pickton (who confessed to 49 murders): life sentence.
  • Col. Russell Williams (double-murderer and rapist): life sentence
  • Paul Bernardo (serial rapist and triple murderer) shocked Canadians nationwide: Life imprisonment with a possibility of parole after 25 years.

If home-grown criminals can be deported, should Canada extend the dishonour to old stock Canadians?

If u still don’t know whether you’re an “Old Stock Canadian”, find out here! #oldStockCanadians #elxn42 #GlobeDebate

— Rachel Décoste (@RachelDecoste) September 18, 2015

Foreign-born Colonel Russell Williams comes from Bromsgrove, England. He terrorized dozens of women. Paul Bernardo, whose long-undetected crime spree is traumatizing in itself, had an Italian grandfather. Robert Pickton can trace his family farm back several generations, but since he is not Aboriginal, one can assume he descends from the UK.

Have the gradients of Canadian-ness been established or are will the law be applied equally regardless of race? Asking for a friend.

The adventures of a Franco Ontarian Viz Min Woman in Ottawa.
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The Adventures of Diva Rachel: Don’t Break Out The Bubbly! Carding Continues Across Canada :-(

In Ontario (and elsewhere in Canada), race has been a factor in determining who rightfully belongs here, and who is, by default, an intruder to be wary of. Betraying Canada’s mantra of multiculturalism, a constant cloud of suspicion follows dark-skinned Canadian citizens every day. Whether they are walking while Black, driving while Black, flying while Black, banking while Black, bussing while black… People who look Aboriginal or Arab tell similar stories of being presumed risky guilty before being proven innocent.

All over Canada (not just in Toronto), police regularly stop law-abiding citizens in the hopes of finding a needle in a haystack gathering evidence or intelligence to supposedly reduce crime. There is no evidence to support this race-based targeting actually works, but the carding custom continues.

Carding is the practice by which law enforcement systematically stop, interrogate and document (mostly) dark-skinned citizens who are committing no crime and display no evidence of having committed a crime.

They coined the practice “stop-and-frisk” in the USA. Whatever the terminology employed, it’s called “racism”.

Notably, Ontario’s “activist” Premier Kathleen Wynne has sidestepped the issue. Wynne’s awkward silence follows a pattern of favouring her fetish demographics. Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau did one better: his cronies recruited former Toronto Police Chief and carding defender Bill Blair to run in the upcoming federal election. It will take tornado of spin for the “multiculturalism-inventing” Liberals to square that circle: Trudeau has been travelling the country while waving a banner of “fairness.”

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

One wonders when these elected leaders will frog-leap onto the right side of history.

Bravely breaking his counterparts’ deafening silence, deputy leader of the Ontario NDP Jagmeet Sing stood up and clearly verbalized his quest to quash carding, province-wide.

At first, former Progressive Conservative party leader and current Toronto Mayor John Tory didn’t seem bothered by bigotry behind the badge. In a stunning about-face enlightened evolution, Mayor Tory announced the end of carding in his city this week. As the congratulatory backslapping spread across the Center of the Universe Hogtown, the rest of the province and the rest of the country is left eating dust. For us, carding carries on.

Never put your hands up until the puck’s in the net and the goal light is on. Let’s see what happens in concrete terms with #carding #tps

— Anthony Morgan (@AnthonyNMorgan) June 7, 2015

Journalist Desmond Cole’s courageous and personal account of unrelenting and unwarranted police interrogations describes incidents in St. Catharines and Kingston. Neither are covered by this week’s partial victory.


It was in 1956 that Ontario became the first province to enforce the Fairness Accommodation Practices Act, thus granting new equality rights to its Black and Asian residents. For the first time in Canadian history, racial equality was declared a civil right, and “racial discrimination in was confirmed as illegal“. Following Ontario’s lead, legislative civil rights flowed outward from coast to coast.

Today, since our provincial leaders are not willing to defend the most vulnerable citizens and uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, individuals have to band together to force the issue. Just as Rosa Parks Bromley Armstrong and Ruth Lor served as the test cases for racial equality 50 years ago, Rohan Roberts has stepped up to the plate to challenge carding in Ontario. In what could be a landmark case, Roberts filed Human Rights complaint against Toronto Police. The defendants have access to a bottomless till of taxpayer dollars to fund their retort. Roberts is a working class guy. In the pursuit of justice writ large, Mr. Roberts will sacrifice himself and his financial security in a bid to realign law enforcement with the values we hold dear. (I’ve launched a crowdfunding drive to help defray his legal bills.)

To eradicate carding in Canada, this case must be heard in the highest courts. Judges must remind all citizens, including mayors, premiers and prime-ministerial hopefuls that equality and fairness are more than filatures for flowery speeches. Mayor John Tory was pulled, prodded into doing the right thing. The first domino has fallen. But we’ve not yet reached the promise land.

The adventures of a Franco Ontarian Viz Min Woman in Ottawa.
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