350 or bust: Ethical Oil: The Puppet Rap

This Saturday gem comes from creative folks over at The Tyee: Why is everybody all bitchin’ bout the bitumen? Don’t you like rich men turnin’ into richer men? Solomon, whose agenda you followin? Typical liberal lamestream politics! Crackdown in Iran? Those Ayatollahs should park it! Monks burnin’ in Sichuan? well

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Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Frank Graves notes that for all the spin from the Cons and their enablers about public acquescience in program slashing, there’s actually another issue taking centre stage among Canadian voters: (I)f people prefer spending cuts to increased taxes and debt, they prefer “investment”

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BigCityLib Strikes Back: Dear Alison…

When your bitumen belches carbon into the atmosphere, remember that Ontario is rapidly closing all its coal-burning power plants to reduce our pan-Canadian footprint for greenhouse gases. I don’t hear you thanking us for that. Alberta owns the resources under its soil. But if this were a truly functional federation,

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