Its not going to work

#ndp #elxn41 #jacklayton #cpc #toronto
The recent smear on Jack Layton isn’t going to work. Remember Bill Clinton? His extra marital affair was used by his conservative enemies to undermine his office and tried to impeach him from office. Hardly a tre…

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Enormous Thriving Plants: John Gormley echos disingenuous CPC rhetoric on coalition governance.

Failed-conservative-politician turned radical-right-wing-radio-host used his regular column space in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix a few days ago to (surprise, surprise!) regurgitate Stephen Harper’s ‘coalition with separatists’ rhetoric. The problem with cynically exploiting ignorance over Canadian parliamentary governance is that it becomes less successful over time. People brush up on their

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Enormous Thriving Plants: John Gormley echos disingenuous CPC rhetoric on coalition governance.

Failed-conservative-politician turned radical-right-wing-radio-host used his regular column space in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix a few days ago to (surprise, surprise!) regurgitate Stephen Harper’s ‘coalition with separatists’ rhetoric. The problem with cynically exploiting ignorance over Canadian parliamentary governance is that it becomes less successful over time. People brush up on their

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When arrogant men go wild

The Canadian Press: Stephen Harper’s most controversial quotes compiled — by ToriesI had to share this link. I dunno why the Conservatives would keep track of Harper’s own words, but it probably has to do with habit. They’re so used to keeping track …

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Next deadlock: Alberta

I refuse to believe that the people of Alberta are as socially conservative and right wing as their political representation suggests. I do not believe that the people of Alberta would take away a woman’s right to control her body, or is genuinely oppo…

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