Trashy's World: It’s 3:30 am and I can’t sleep…

….so why not post something?
I was standing in line at the LCBO on Thursday and eavesdropped on a conversation behind me between two middle-aged guys… probably not holders of PhDs, but not grade school drop-outs either.
Guy 1: Damned lineup! Why don’t they have more registers open?
Guy 2: It’s probably against union rules or something.
Guy 1: […]

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Trashy's World: It’s 3:30 am and I can’t sleep…

….so why not post something?
I was standing in line at the LCBO on Thursday and eavesdropped on a conversation behind me between two middle-aged guys… probably not holders of PhDs, but not grade school drop-outs either.
Guy 1: Damned lineup! Why don’t they have more registers open?
Guy 2: It’s probably against union rules or something.
Guy 1: […]

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Trashy's World: It’s 3:30 am and I can’t sleep…

….so why not post something?
I was standing in line at the LCBO on Thursday and eavesdropped on a conversation behind me between two middle-aged guys… probably not holders of PhDs, but not grade school drop-outs either.
Guy 1: Damned lineup! Why don’t they have more registers open?
Guy 2: It’s probably against union rules or something.
Guy 1: […]

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Trashy's World: Happy CANADA Day!

NOT Dominion Day!
Today is to celebrate the birthday of a great (though currently politically misguided) and independent country. While our Constitution may refer to the land as a “Dominion”, the term is about as anachronistic as Christians turning Leviticus in the old testament for guidance… it just doesn’t “work” in modern times.
And technically, yes, we […]

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Trashy's World: Happy CANADA Day!

NOT Dominion Day!
Today is to celebrate the birthday of a great (though currently politically misguided) and independent country. While our Constitution may refer to the land as a “Dominion”, the term is about as anachronistic as Christians turning Leviticus in the old testament for guidance… it just doesn’t “work” in modern times.
And technically, yes, we […]

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