Thanks Steve

I still remember fondly the first computer ever to find its way into the family home. The Apple IIe was magic, allowing these clumsy finger to type badly, then delete the virtual mistakes. I remember Gary Gladstone and myself huddled over the computer …

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Terahertz: Sexism knows no political boundaries

While typically seen as the domain of regressive fundamentalist Christians who believe a woman’s place is in the kitchen, subservient to her husband, left-wingers are not immune to the issue. Enter David Schreck, form BD NDP MLA and political commentator who takes offence to Premier Christy Clark’s clothing choice in the legislature: Is Premier Clark’s […]

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Terahertz: It’s the thought that counts

While I’m not generally an NPA-supporter, I support good ideas regardless of where they originate. And Jason Lamarche, an NPA candidate for Vancouver City Council, has a good idea. The only problem is that his proposal addresses an issue that doesn’t actually exist in the city. A dog-loving West End renter and first-time city-council candidate […]

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