Cowichan Conversations: The Real Threat is in Harper’s Gutting the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Oil and Gas

Kevin Logan- Cowichan Conversations Contributor Here is another Post from Cowichan Conversations Contributor Kevin Logan. Kevin Logan’s career has been diverse, ranging from small business to NGOs through finance and government. He served as a ministerial assistant to numerous ministers and a premier in the former BC NDP Administration. Kevin

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Pop The Stack: Economicus Illogicus

Economicus Illogicus Prime Minister, I simply don’t understand you’re approach here. You’re an economist right?So tell me, what is there to gain by rapidly extracting and selling resources in this way? There is no hurry in selling these resources, in an increasingly resource scarce world surely the general trend will

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Pop The Stack: Economicus Illogicus

Economicus Illogicus Prime Minister, I simply don’t understand you’re approach here. You’re an economist right?So tell me, what is there to gain by rapidly extracting and selling resources in this way? There is no hurry in selling these resources, in an increasingly resource scarce world surely the general trend will

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