Alberta Politics: Sundre hospital renamed to honour MP Myron Thompson, long-time foe of equality for same-sex couples

“They’re trying to take away our culture, they’re trying to take away our history,” Donald Trump complained back in 2017 about activists who call for the removal statues of Confederate and colonialist heroes. Mr. Trump’s supporters have been loudly making their agreement known ever since, including here in Alberta where

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Alberta Politics: Nothing new under the Prairie sun as Alberta Conservatives ratchet up their faux outrage about equalization and Quebec

Jason Kenney, leader of Alberta’s Opposition United Conservative Party, calls the Trudeau Government’s renewal of Canada’s current equalization formula for an additional five years “a slap in the face to Alberta.” “It means we will continue to be forced, even when times are bad in Alberta, forced to subsidize public

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The Canadian Progressive: Harper government bills that enraged First Nations, Theresa Spence, and birthed #IdleNoMore

Yesterday, Idle No More, the grassroots movement for Aboriginal justice, flexed its muscle with peaceful blockages of bridges and border crossings across Canada. Dr. Pamela Palmater, an indigenous activist and chair in Indigenous Governance at Ryerson University,  says #IdleNoMore is pushing back at the aggressive assimilation agenda of the right-wing Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

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The Canadian Progressive: Obert Madondo’s Canada crime Bill C-10 hunger strike: Response from the Minister of Justice

On June 6, I ended my 85-day hunger strike against Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s New Jim Crow-style crime Bill C-10, the deceptively christened “Safe Streets and Communities Act”. Two of my demands: the immediate repeal the Safe Streets and Communities Act and a national inquiry for the 600+ missing and murdered aboriginal women and girls. I

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