cmkl: Kingston

I’m in Kingston now, holed up in my residence room after a couple of recovery beers. I don’t have my numbers because I only brought my phone and the GPS wants a computer to cough up the data, but I think I did well. From what I can tell my

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cmkl: All systems go

A short, mostly flat ride to test some new gear that I think will make the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour a bit more comfortable and enjoyable for me this year. A new jersey, new socks, and a new rear shifter. Thanks to the Cyclery for digging up the part for

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cmkl: Lap the Gats: redux

I’m pretty pleased with my performance at Lap the Gats today. I was 27th out of 200 riders, 15th in my age group. I did better still at the hill climbing part of the event – 11th overall and 5th in my age group. All those training rides have paid

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cmkl: Boy Stalin rides again

Robin Sears, who earned his nickname “Boy Stalin” as then NDP premier Bob Rae’s chief of staff wrote this stunner of a commentary trashing the people who signed that open letter against Andrea Horwath’s current campaign plan/platform. I now understand much better where the moniker comes from. He calls the

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cmkl: Introducing the Idaho stop

Aka Why cyclists should be able to roll through stop signs and ride through red lights. It’s not totally nuts you know. I like the point tht it would put an end the odd dance that occurs when motorist and cyclist are watching each other at intersections, trying to figure

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cmkl: Dangerous buffoon

In short, the remaining weeks of this campaign are going to be fought in large part around the character of Tim Hudak. Is he a bold visionary? Or is he a dangerous buffoon? Thomas Walkom in the Toronto Star. I vote dangerous buffoon.

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cmkl: And the rest, as they say, is gravy

Today’s ride, a 164km tour through the countryside south and east of Ottawa (Berwick – if that means anything), put me over the top for my training goal for this year’s Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour. Despite the late start I have now logged 1025km. Today’s ride felt pretty good. Mainly

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cmkl: 300km and counting

Yesterday I rode a 130km look to Winchester and back. I must say I’m loving the Ottawa Bicycle Club. Even if you don’t do the group rides there’s years of wisdom in their route maps. These last two rides have been inspired by routes I’ve found on their site. The

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cmkl: And now we ride: Almonte 115km

First time out. A slightly accelerated approach to training for the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour. They tell you to ride 1000km in preparation. I usually manage to come close or exceed this. But then I usually start riding by mid March. So there are ten weeks before Rideau Lakes and

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