cmkl: Do, do re mi fa so

Mallory had her piano lesson this evening. She’s quite impressive, I think. But then I would say that. She’s very good at the sequences of notes and moving her fingers around the keyboard. Even with both hands. But she is missing rhythm. It’s not even …

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cmkl: Lemon of a battery

So the first battery I got with my laptop lasted six years, more than twice the number of anticipated charge cycles. The one I got to replace it in February is now dead. Or more accurately, it thinks it’s charged only it has exactly 0 mAh of power in it.

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cmkl: Early morning frost

Mallory and I went for a walk this morning to see if we could find tracks made by the bigish deer we saw yesterday. Of course, my real agenda was to make an image or two of the fabulously thick frost that had fallen overnight. Naturally my camera batte…

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