cmkl: Fun in the snow

Today was skiing, playing in the snow, playing crafts and generally playing. Irene coached Mallory brilliantly out at Nakkertok, showing her how to herringbone up hills and snow plough down hills. It was amazing to see how quickly Mallory picked things up. And she also demonstrated serious determination and enthusiasm

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cmkl: Birthday party at Midway

Mallory had her official birthday party this morning at Midway, one of 22 parties the indoor amusement palace was hosting today. Pancakes, cake, bumper cars, jungle gyms, friends and presents. Morning was actually a pretty good time to host a party there, I thought. There weren’t a lot of other

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cmkl: Postaday2011: the metapost

Around this time last year I heard about this meme aimed at reviving blogging as a ‘thing’ on the interwebs called Postaday2011. Guess what it was about. Yes. Well done. A commitment to put up one post per day in 2011. Sounded like fun. I’d done the same thing with

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cmkl: Mallory as polar bear

So. Birthday party one, complete. In actual fact it was more like a New Years Levée family gathering than a full-on birthday party. Inviting J, one of Mallory’s friends was a master stroke on Irene’s part though. Allowed the hosting of a dozen or so other people to go on

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cmkl: Skiing

We had good skiing weather today, so Irene and I took Mallory cross-country skiing in Gatineau Park today. This is her third winter on cross country skis. Her second where she actually does some skiing. Our first attempt – pre-walking – was an unmitigated disaster. Our second effort was only

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