Warren Kinsella: Sun sets

It’s true. There are some good people there, and I feel very bad for them. They worked hard. They were good to me, too, over the past four years. My views were almost always at odds with theirs, but they kept asking me back anyway. Not sure what is happening

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Warren Kinsella: All about Eve: the reviews are in

…and the reviews aren’t so good.  Mine, for what it’s worth, is appended at the end. Feel free to add yours in comments. Andrew Coyne, Post: “Justin Trudeau delivers a crawlingly demeaning performance while welcoming Eve Adams…feigned high-mindedness…gut-emptying shame…particularly painful…jaw-dropping self-abasement..For [Conservative secrets], Mr. Trudeau would endure any indignity.” Chantal

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Warren Kinsella: A reader writes

(And, for clarity’s sake, I wasn’t denied in the “green light” process – I simply didn’t bother. Life’s too short, etc.) Warren: Here’s one of the things pissing me off about the eve Adams thing: 1) you don’t get green lit because you’ve been critical of the lpc 2) but

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