Warren Kinsella: Prog blogs

This ain’t a blog, it’s a web site. But if I had to define it, I’d say it was indeed “progressive.” Just not a Prog Blog. Anyway, the progressive web site folks have added me to their helpful aggregator, found here. I’ve therefore added them to my blog roll, a

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Warren Kinsella: Whose “conscience”?

If it’s Wildrose’s “conscience,” get ready for social chaos: Then there’s “conscience rights.” The Wildrose policy book says government should “implement legislation protecting the ‘conscience rights’ of health care professionals.” The policy doesn’t spell out what that means, but when party delegates voted for the policy they put it in

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Fusing and Musing: Vetted by Facebook?

In an age where the “online spying” and “indefinite detention” become tools by the government to suppress the population and create fear of dissent, I have become completely convinced that I am being vetted by Facebook. I have recently returned from the beautiful Caribbean coast of Honduras. I visited Copan

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