Music for a Monday: A lament for Che

Yes, I know, this is very belated; I should have put this up yesterday: Steven Soderbergh’s two-volume movie of Che’s Cuban triumph and his Bolivian downfall is hugely ambitious, and in some instances falls short of its obviously high intent. Benicio del Toro, despite the first film’s subtitle “The Argentine”, isn’t from Argentina, and, though […]

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Music for a Sunday: Amy Winehouse, RIP

Calle 13 posted this video to their official page with the comment: “Wow, Amy Winehouse died! What a shame, she had a tremendous voice!” I think that about sums it up, yes. Whatever else she had going on, despite the tabloids that hounded her ad nauseam (and, in so doing, probably exacerbated her troubles), her […]

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