Impolitical: Noted in the RCMP affidavit on the Duffy matter

Interesting pickup by Alison at Creekside on the RCMP sworn information in relation to “Project Amble,” the Duffy Senate matter:

According to RCMP Corporal Greg Horton’s excellent summary :

On June 21, 2013 my office received a letter from Peter Mantas, which I have read, advising that Mr. Wright recalls that he told the following people that he would personally provide funds to repay Duffy’s claimed secondary residence expenses:

a. David van Hemmen (PMO)

b. Benjamin Perrin (PMO)

c. Chris Woodcock (PMO)

d. Senator Irving Gerstein

“Would” is future tense, seeming to indicate they were all advised before Wright wrote Duffy the cheque on March 26.

According to the affidavit then (para. 37), just to emphasize a point, Wright advised the RCMP that he told the above four individuals, in advance, that he would write the cheque.

Further, this group included Benjamin Perrin, the Prime Minister’s former legal advisor.

Recall Perrin’s statement:

I was not consulted on, and did not participate in, Nigel Wright’s decision to write a personal cheque to reimburse Senator Duffy’s expenses.

I have never communicated with the Prime Minister on this matter.

The RCMP affidavit notes at the end that Perrin “cannot meet investigators until after July 5th.” Presumably the above two versions were or will be put to him, whenever that meeting happens.

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Accidental Deliberations: New column day

Here, on how the Cons’ abuse of supporters’ donations can only stoke cynicism about the value of participating in politics – but how the limited number of people currently involved in politics creates a huge opportunity to change the system. For further reading…– Samara’s poll and analysis on public participation

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Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – George Monbiot rightly challenges the attempt of corporate interests and their political sock-puppets to demonize anybody concerned about our planet’s future: Exotic invasive species are a straightforward ecological problem, wearily familiar to anyone trying to protect biodiversity. Some introduced creatures – such

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