mike duffy

Whither the Teflon Don

For the better part of the last few months, the Harper Government has tried and failed to change the channel. When the government prorogued Parliament in the face of a…

A Boorish Boar

The other day I posted a video in which Don Martin denounces the disgraced Senator Mike Duffy. He makes a reference to the exact point at which Mike Duffy ceased…

Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – David Cay Johnston and Miles Corak both discuss the results of a study which compares economic outcomes in technologically advanced countries, and shows…

Scandal Fatigue

Working in public relations and government relations requires a lot of reading, watching and listening to the news. Knowing what is being reported helps to shape the narratives we develop…

What Does Mike Duffy Know?

That’s a legitimate question, Michael Harris writes. It’s curious: Mike Duffy is still a senator, but Nigel Wright is no longer the prime minister’s chief-of-staff. One man tried to put…

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – A new Ipsos-Reid poll shows that nearly 90% of Canadians support higher taxes on the rich generally, and million-dollar incomes in particular. And…

Advance warning

Colby Cosh is starting to buy into the theory that the Clusterduff scandal is being strategically revealed to divert attention away from Robocon. My greater concern is that if there’s…

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