Rusty Idols: Afraid to call a Liar a Liar

The Montreal Gazette headline is ‘NDP accuses Tony Clement of doctoring Hansard’.  Wow, thinks the reader, that’s a pretty serious allegation, accusing someone of deliberately distorting the public record of Parliament is a big deal.  But look, the headline just says he’s just accused of it, so if its just

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Harper Valley: Christy van der Clark

There’s certain rules a B.C. Liberal/Socred must adhere to; cruelty is at the top of the list.  While Bill van der Zalm was busy plucking the wings off flies during his tenure as premier, Christy Clark has begun working on disecting the fly itself (sans anaesthetic). Christy, you give here, then take there….all in what […]

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April Reign: “We’re in safe hands with Stephen Harper” and other Conservative lies

April Reign

Since Canada’s Conservative Government took power in 2006, significant budget cuts have been made to Canadian gender equality, political justice, social policy and research programs including the virtual elimination of a Canadian government department devoted to Women’s equality and women’s issues. 2011 Federal Conservative Government Cuts (to date) Canadian Teachers’ Federation’s International Programs – FUNDING […]

April Reign – In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

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Jacked Up: The Arts

So according to the 2001 census as reported today by CBC radio one, the average earnings for someone who made their living from the arts was $22,000 dollars annually. Not only that, but since then it has decreased by a third, to $14,000 dollars per year. These figures are even

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