daveberta.ca - Alberta Politics: What a year 2015 has been in Alberta politics!

TweetDecember 29, 2015 Column by: Dirk Pranter, Provincial Affairs columnist, Edmonton Journal-Sun Tories re-elected for 14th time A snap mid-Summer election returned Jim Prentice’s renamed “Conservative Party of Alberta” to its fourteenth term as government. In an unexpected twist of fate, Finance Minister Danielle Smith was defeated in her home riding by Wildrose Party leader Randy Thorsteinson.

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Progressive Proselytizing: The Conservative’s scripted talking points get them into trouble

This little scandal Tories have gotten themselves into is a bit delightful, but underscores a more important point about the dissemination of talking points. The problem started when a Conservative operative secretly recorded a conversation including, allegedly, Banff-Airdrie Liberal candidate Marlo Raynolds saying some not-so-lovely things about the people benefiting from the

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