Molly'sBlog: Molly’sBlog 2012-03-09 13:30:00

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR IRAN:SAVE ABDOLREZA GHANBARI: Abdolreza Ghanbari is an Iranian university professor who has been sentenced to death by the regime basically for the “crime” of receiving unsolicited political emails. Here is his story and appeal for solidarity from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.################# Iran: Stop the execution

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LeDaro: Benjamin Netanyahu Visiting Canada

Netanyahu is visiting Canada and Stephen Harper is bending over backwards to please Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is building a case to bomb Iran and its nuclear facilities. Stephen Harper is reassuring Netanyahu of his loyalty. A similar case for WMD is being made for Iran as was the case before invading Iraq.

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Impolitical: Late night

That was quite a moving moment from the Iranian film maker who won the best Foreign Language Film award last night (beating out Canada’s Monsieur Lazhar). The director’s speech starts at about the 2:00 minute mark. More at Andrew Sullivan’s blog on the political significance of the moment.

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