centre of the universe: Transparency?

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.  We just passed the deadline by which First Nations bands are required by the Federal Government to disclosed audited financial statements. The audited financial statements must be accompanied by a separate schedule which details the salaries for Chiefs and

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wmtc: discoveries make me happy

I am always astonished to see stories such as these. A tree-dwelling animal with a teddy-bear-like face and rust-coloured fur has become the newest mammal species discovered by scientists. The olinguito, the smallest known member of the raccoon family, lives in the cloud forests high in the Andes Mountains of

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The Canadian Progressive: CASWE and CASW joint statement supporting Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island

A Canadian Association of Social Work Education (CASWE) and Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) joint statement supporting the aspirations of Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island and their aspirations, currently being articulated by #IdleNoMore. by CASWE  and CASW, Jan. 31, 2013: As social work educators and practitioners the members of the

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